Being at college is very different from school, but it has been more of a challenge for people who have come from Welsh-medium schools.
I'm Thomas Delamotte. I am 16 years old and I'm on a level 3 Btec Product Design course. Product Design is a vocational course and there are not many Welsh speakers on the course. This is the case for many other people, and for this reason it is important for me to be able to continue speaking Welsh with other Welsh speakers so that we don't lose our Welsh-language abilities.
I go to the Scouts, and because I can speak Welsh, I went to the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea along with 40,000 people from different countries. Also, because I speak Welsh, I have had the opportunity to be on television on more than one occasion. The Welsh language is very useful and important to me because the opportunities can be life changing.
Thanks to the College, and us as Welsh Language Ambassadors, we are able to change perspectives on the Welsh language. Welsh is an important language. It's the language of our country, and the people who speak Welsh keep it going, and the Welsh language also provides different opportunities such as appearing on TV, visiting different countries with the Urdd, and more. Make an effort to talk to people and help others if they need help with a word or teach other people who don't speak Welsh. The Welsh-speaking community is small, but this does not mean you should make the community smaller because you have moved to an English-medium college or school. Try to enhance the Welsh-speaking community wherever you are.