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21 October 2024

Summer Allwood shares her experience of being a mentor on the Coleg Cymraeg Sbarduno Scheme


The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Sbarduno scheme is for students aged 16-19 from Black, Asian and Minority ethnic backgrounds who want to receive support from a mentor to develop their Welsh language skills and build their confidence

My name is Summer and I'm from Ely in Cardiff. I went to Ysgol Plasmawr and went on to study Criminology at Swansea University. For several years now, I've worked for the Prison and Probation Service as a case administrator. I love the job because every day is different and interesting.

When the opportunity arose to be part of the Sbarduno Scheme, I was excited to join. It was a great opportunity for me to share my journey and life experience thus far with a young sixth form student who was at the beginning of their journey. Being a young person between the ages of 16-19 can be challenging, academically but also mentally, so I planned suitable sessions addressing these subjects.

The sessions were held online, and I was looking forward to them because I had a lot in common with the student I was paired with. We both love sport, and we are also from Welsh and Jamaican backgrounds so we were able to share our experiences of belonging to an ethnic minority community and the fact that we are very proud of that.

Seeing people who look similar to me in leadership roles motivates me to follow in their footsteps

Summer Allwood

One of the main topics we covered was how to cope with stress. I was pleased that we managed to build a good relationship that made her feel comfortable enough to share her concerns with me. It was interesting to hear the similarities and differences in her experiences to compare when I was in school, and it was nice to be able to offer advice on different situations.

We also discussed the different options available after leaving school, e.g. going to university or further education college, doing an apprenticeship, or venturing into the world of work. We discussed the benefits of the various options, and the opportunities available in the Welsh language. 

I'm so glad I had the opportunity to be part of this scheme as a mentor because having Welsh language role models from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds is very important because it makes everyone feel part of their community. Seeing people who look similar to me in leadership roles motivates me to follow in their footsteps. I wanted to become a mentor on the scheme as it was important for me to be part of the change.

I think the Sbarduno Scheme is great. It gives students a rare opportunity to discuss with professionals from diverse backgrounds through the medium of Welsh, to support them to reach their potential. I'm excited to be part of the scheme again next year and I encourage other people take the opportunity to become a mentor.

The Sbarduno Scheme is being co-ordinated by Emily Pemberton, the Coleg’s Equality, Diversity and Anti-Racism Co-ordinator. For more information and to apply for a place as a student or mentor, contact Emily at