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The Oral Presentation

Important information

The oral presentation accounts for 50% of the overall mark. Applicants will be expected to complete their oral presentations online before mid-March. All applicants must present an oral presentation lasting 7-8 minutes relating to any aspect of their field of study. The presentation should be suitable for an audience of non-experts in that field; that is, the introduction should be made understandable to someone unfamiliar with the subject matter.


  • You will be expected to prepare one piece of supplementary material (e.g. up to 8 PowerPoint slides).
  • You should put your full name and Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol membership number at the top of each slide.
  • You will need to send your PowerPoint presentation to your tutor before the day of your presentation.
  • At the beginning of the presentation, you should say your name, membership number and date of birth.
  • Remember to practice your presentation thoroughly to ensure you adhere to time requirements.
  • You should not include any English material at all in your slides.
  • At the end of the presentation, there will be 7-8 minutes for the candidate to respond to questions from the examiner. The questions will relate to any interesting points that came up during the presentation.
  • You will need to show your university ID card at the beginning of your submission.

Oral Presentation criteria

The following criteria will be considered to award a mark for this element:

  • Method of delivery
  • Range of syntax and vocabulary
  • Content and order of presentation
  • Response to questions
  • Language accuracy
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