My name is Catrin, and I am in my first year of studying Early Years Education and Care: Early Years Practitioner Status. In order to gain the Early Years Practitioner Status qualification I need to complete a placement which gives experience of working with the early years!
I have been very fortunate to be able to attend a bilingual placement, which gives me the opportunity to work through the medium of Welsh with the early years. As someone who has completed all my education through the medium of Welsh, being able to do my placement in Welsh is extremely beneficial, as I understand the benefits that are available from being able to speak Welsh, including starting from nursery age!
I have seen a number of advantages in doing my placement through the medium of Welsh. I feel more comfortable, as this has been my main language since I was young. Being able to do 'circle time' in Welsh and sing songs I am familiar with from nursery and primary school has been wonderful and made me feel proud when teaching these songs to the next generation!
My advice to anyone who is thinking of attending a Welsh placement or using their Welsh while on placement is – go for it. Not all children in the nursery usually speak Welsh, so it is necessary to switch between the two languages, but giving children who can speak Welsh the opportunity to hear the language and use it is very beneficial for them, and can make a big difference to anyone who is more comfortable speaking Welsh.
Furthermore, my lectures are through the medium of Welsh, so being able to attend a placement and put the theory I have learned into practice in Welsh has been of great benefit to me personally!