On the maes of the National Eisteddfod in Ceredigion today (Thursday 4 August), the Coleg Cymraeg and Qualifications Wales will come together to launch a new Strategic Partnership to ensure that learners and apprentices who choose Welsh-medium and bilingual provision have accessible bilingual qualifications available in all relevant subject areas.
David Jones, the Chair of Qualifications Wales who will be speaking at the event on the Coleg’s stand at the Eisteddfod, said:
"By establishing this Strategic Partnership, I am delighted that we are able to formalize the regular and successful collaboration that has been taking place between Qualifications Wales and the Coleg Cymraeg for some time. Qualifications Wales, of course, has a strong commitment to Welsh-medium qualifications, and this is an excellent opportunity for us to work even more closely with the Coleg Cymraeg.
"Yesterday, Qualifications Wales launched the 'Cynnig Cymraeg', a package that provides guidance to awarding bodies as they develop, design, deliver and award Welsh language or bilingual qualifications. Of course, in order for awarding bodies to successfully deliver the 'Cynnig Cymraeg', we need to increase the number of Welsh-medium qualifications available, so that learners can follow qualifications in the language of their choice. As an organisation, we are looking forward to further collaboration with the Coleg Cymraeg in order to put this plan in place."
Dr Ioan Matthews, the Chief Executive of the Coleg Cymraeg who will also be taking part in the event, said: "I am very glad to be here today launching this Strategic Partnership on the Eisteddfod maes. The partnership that has developed between the Coleg and Qualifications Wales is the result of many years of collaboration and is a way of placing that constructive collaboration on an official footing. By creating this partnership, we recognize our commitment to work together to support the Welsh Government's priorities as part of the national language strategy, Cymraeg 2050, and the Further Education and Apprenticeship Welsh-medium Action Plan.
"I would like to thank Qualifications Wales for their willingness to work together on the vital matter of Welsh language qualifications for the benefit of learners and apprentices who choose to study and train in Welsh or bilingually. This agenda is crucial in creating the bilingual workforce of the future and ensuring a prosperous economy where the Welsh language is used with confidence."
Qualifications Wales and the Coleg Cymraeg are key institutions in post-compulsory education and training in Wales.
Qualifications Wales is responsible for regulating qualifications in Wales apart from degrees and has four areas of focus as part of its Choice for All strategy to increase the availability of Welsh-medium qualifications.
The Coleg Cymraeg is responsible for developing and supporting Welsh-medium and bilingual provision across the post-compulsory education and training sector in Wales and supporting the introduction of the Further Education and Apprenticeships Welsh-medium Action Plan.
In order to support this strategic partnership, the two organisations will develop a joint action plan in the autumn setting out agreed actions and a timeline for implementation.