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Medr and the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol

The Welsh Government has designated the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (the Coleg) to advise Medr (the Tertiary Education and Research Commission) in relation to its duties relating to the Welsh language. 

This page provides more information about Medr, the designation, the policy and legislative context, and the Coleg's work advising Medr. 

Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022 

The Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022 (the Act) establishes Medr, an arms-length body responsible for funding and overseeing post-16 education and research from August 2024. 

Medr's responsibilities for the tertiary education sector include sixth forms in schools, further education colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers and adult education providers. 

The Act places 11 strategic duties on Medr. One of those, Section 9, relates to promoting tertiary education through the medium of Welsh:  

9 (1) The Commission must– 

  1. a. encourage demand for, and participation in, Welsh tertiary education provided through the medium of Welsh; 
  2. take all reasonable steps to ensure that there is sufficient Welsh tertiary education provided through the medium of Welsh to meet demand;
  3. encourage the provision of tertiary education through the medium of Welsh by—  
  1. registered providers in Wales, and 

  2. other persons providing tertiary education funded or otherwise secured by the Commission.  

In accordance with section 9(2) of the Act, the Welsh Government has "designated" the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol as "a person to give relevant advice to the Commission" for the purpose of assisting Medr in the discharge of its duties under 9(1). 

Memorandum of Understanding between the Coleg and Medr 

The Coleg and Medr have published a memorandum of understanding outlining how the Coleg will advise Medr on its statutory duties to increase Welsh and bilingual provision in the tertiary sector and encourage demand for it. In accordance with the memorandum, Medr will fully consider the advice presented to it by the Coleg. 

Medr’s strategic priorities 

In February 2024, the Welsh Government set the following strategic priorities for Medr: 

  • Develop a tertiary system that prepares learners for a dynamic and changing economy where all can acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life and work. 
  • Maintain and enhance the quality of the tertiary system, continue and intensify work on widening participation and take steps to ensure a more equitable and excellent system for all. 
  • Putting the learner at the heart of the system by focusing on the experience of learners in the tertiary system and their wellbeing. 
  • Ensure that the tertiary education system contributes to the economy and society. 
  • Establish the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research as a highly effective organisation providing stability and leadership during this time of transition.  

In the statement of priorities, the Minister notes that Medr should:  

Develop a plan to increase and improve the provision and promotion of Welsh-medium education and assessment in the whole of the tertiary system recognising the role of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, as the designated person under Section 9 of the 2022 Act and Qualifications Wales as the independent qualifications regulator. This is a key part of the seamless pathway for learners into the tertiary education of their choosing. 

In the written statement, it is also stated that “these pathways should be available through the medium of Welsh”. 

Medr must prepare and publish a strategic plan that sets out how it will address the priorities and fulfil its statutory duties under the Act. 

Policy and legislation context

Cymraeg 2050 

Cymraeg 2050 is the Welsh Government's Welsh language strategy. Its targets are: 

  • A million Welsh speakers by 2050
  • Double the daily use of Welsh by 2050. 

The strategy states that education is key in order to reach a million Welsh speakers. The following two aims are set for the post-compulsory education sector:  

4: Post-compulsory education Develop post-compulsory education provision which increases rates of progression and supports everyone, whatever their command of the language, to develop Welsh language skills for use socially and in the workplace. 

5: The education workforce, resources and qualifications Plan in order to increase and improve substantially: 

  • the education and training workforce which can teach Welsh and teach through the medium of Welsh, 
  • the resources and qualifications needed to support increased provision. 

The Explanatory Memorandum of the 2022 Act states "The Commission will have a critical role to play in the context of the [above] key aims”. 

The Welsh Language and Education Bill 

In July 2024, the Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill was published. 

The Bill:

  • puts the target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050 on a statutory footing, as well as other targets relating to the use of the language, including in the workplace and socially;
  • establishes a standard method for describing Welsh-language ability based on the common reference levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages​​(CEFR);
  • makes provision regarding the designation of statutory language categories for schools, together with requirements regarding the amount of Welsh education provided (including a minimum), and Welsh learning goals attached to the categories;
  • links the linguistic planning carried out at national level (by imposing a duty on Welsh Ministers to draw up a National Framework for Welsh Language Education and Learning Welsh), at local authority level (by imposing a duty on local authorities to draw up local Welsh in education strategic plans), and at school level (by placing a duty on schools to draw up Welsh language education delivery plans);
  • establishes a statutory body, the National Institute for Learning Welsh, which will be responsible for supporting people of all ages to learn Welsh. 

The provision outlined in the Bill is aimed at ensuring that everyone who leaves the statutory education sector is a confident and independent Welsh speaker. Medr and the tertiary sector must plan for this context.   

Although the Bill will not become law until after Medr publishes its first strategic plan, the Coleg’s advice for Medr will heed the provisions of the Bill and the Government's ambitions for the Welsh language and Welsh education. 

The Coleg Cymraeg’s initial advice to Medr 

The Coleg welcomes the designation by the Welsh Ministers to provide advice to Medr on its duties in accordance with Section 9 of the Act. The designation is an additional responsibility for the Coleg. The Coleg is committed to publishing formal advice notes submitted to Medr on its website.

For more information about Medr or the designation of the Coleg to advise Medr, email: