In its first advice note to Medr (the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research), the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (the Coleg) has set out a vision where all learners in the tertiary sector use, maintain and develop their Welsh during their time studying or training.
Today, Tuesday 17 December, the Coleg is pleased to publish in full its initial advice to Medr on its duties relating to the Welsh language, in accordance with its statutory designation to advise the arm’s length body, as outlined in the Tertiary Education Act 2022.
The Coleg's first advice note to Medr sets out the following vision:
“The Welsh language belongs to us all. All learners in the tertiary education sector should be given the opportunity and encouragement to use, maintain and develop their Welsh, in a way and at a level that is appropriate and feels relevant to them. All learners should complete their tertiary education or training having acquired Welsh language skills that will support them in the next steps in their careers and lives, allowing them to be members of bilingual workforces and communities. ... Learners leave the tertiary sector having had Welsh-medium and bilingual educational experiences of the highest quality and equipped to use their Welsh in the workplace and in the community."
The Coleg also advises Medr to commit in its first Strategic Plan to develop a National Plan for the Welsh language across the entire tertiary education sector, and identifies principles and goals to consider in drawing up the Plan.
The Coleg, therefore, welcomes Medr's commitment to create a National Plan for the Welsh language as outlined in its first Strategic Plan which was submitted for approval to the Welsh Government on Friday 13 December 2024, and looks forward to providing Medr with further advice during the course of the plan’s development.
The Coleg’s Chief Executive, Dr Ioan Matthews, said:
"The need to achieve Cymraeg 2050’s national targets of creating a million Welsh speakers and doubling daily use of the language poses a specific challenge to the tertiary sector. This is the sector that trains the bilingual workforce of the future, from care workers to doctors, from teaching assistants to teachers, from vets to paramedics.
"The Coleg is very pleased to publish its initial advice to Medr, which outlines a vision, principles and ambitious goals that will allow Medr to take action on its statutory duties in relation to the Welsh language.
"The Coleg looks forward to advising Medr on the development of the National Plan for the Welsh language in order to deliver the vision that Welsh-medium and bilingual provision should be available to all who study and train in Wales, regardless of their Welsh language skills .”
In a letter responding to the Coleg’s initial advice, Simon Pirotte OBE, Medr’s Chief Executive, said:
“The relationship with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol is of vital importance to Medr. We are united in our desire to see the Welsh language thriving in Wales, and committed to ensuring the tertiary education sector plays its part in realising a vision for a million speakers in Wales by 2050. The advice we have received marks the start of a significant new phase of working together, building on the positive foundations we have already established. A National Plan will be a crucial driver in enabling more learners to develop, maintain and use their Welsh language skills.”
Medr, which has been in force since 1 August 2024, was established as a new arm's length body responsible for funding and overseeing post-16 education and research in Wales. Medr has statutory strategic duties to:
- encourage demand for, and participation in, Welsh-medium tertiary education;
- take all reasonable steps to ensure that sufficient Welsh-medium tertiary education is provided to meet demand;
- encourage the provision of tertiary education through the medium of Welsh.
In accordance with the provisions of the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022, the Welsh Government has formally designated the Coleg to advise Medr on its statutory strategic duties relating to the Welsh language.
A memorandum of understanding between the Coleg and Medr was announced in August 2024 that outlines how the Coleg will advise Medr on its statutory duties to increase and encourage demand for Welsh-medium and bilingual provision in the tertiary sector. The Coleg's initial advice was submitted to Medr in September 2024. In accordance with the memorandum, Medr’s Board has considered the advice in full, and its response will be published on Medr’s website.
In February 2024, the Welsh Government produced a statement of priorities for Medr which called on it to:
“Develop a plan to increase and improve the provision and promotion of Welsh-medium education and assessment in the whole of the tertiary system recognising the role of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, as the designated person under Section 9 of the 2022 Act and Qualifications Wales as the independent qualifications regulator. This is a key part of the seamless pathway for learners into the tertiary education of their choosing.”