Responding to the news of the death of one of the Coleg’s fellows, Denise Williams, Chief Executive of the Coleg, Dr Ioan Matthews said:
“Denise was from Creunant near Neath. Having worked in a number of organisations in the field of education, in London and in Wales, she was appointed Deputy Registrar of Glamorgan University (by now the University of South Wales) and in that role she took on responsibility for promoting the Welsh language and Welsh medium education in the university over a number of years.
“Denise was also very supportive of the Coleg’s work. Even before its establishment, she was a member of the management committee of the Canolfan Addysg Uwch and she supported a number of national projects over the years. Following her retirement she was appointed a member of the Coleg’s Appointments Committee and was an active member of that committee until a few weeks ago. Denise was made an Honorary Fellow of the Coleg in 2021 and she was very pleased to be able to join us at our Annual Congregation in March.
“My colleagues and I have benefitted from Denise’s support and experience on a number of occasions over the years and she will be sorely missed. We extend our condolences to her friends and family.”