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30 June 2023

Coleg Cymraeg response to the death of Dr Llŷr Roberts


In response to the tragic news of the death of Coleg Cymraeg associate lecturer Dr Llŷr Roberts, the Coleg’s Chief Executive, Dr Ioan Matthews, said:


"Llŷr was one of the first lecturers to be appointed as an associate lecturer of the Coleg and has made an invaluable contribution to Welsh-medium higher education, and to the Coleg’s wider work over the years, as an educator, writer and communicator.

"As a Welsh-medium lecturer in the Business field, Llŷr received national acclaim for his work and last year won the 'Outstanding Welsh Medium Resource' award from the Coleg for developing the first e-book in Marketing in the Welsh language

"Llŷr was an inspiration to his colleagues and students at Bangor University, Cardiff Metropolitan University and the University of South Wales, and there will be a huge gap left in his absence.

"Within the Coleg community the news is difficult to discern; many of us have lost a friend as well as a colleague. We extend our condolences as a Coleg to his family and friends."