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19 April 2024

Heledd’s Blog: Highlights from my work experience with the Coleg Cymraeg.


During my three days working with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol at their main office in Carmarthen, I had an insight into the work being undertaken within the organisation. Most importantly, I had the privilege of carrying out tasks within various departments, which developed my skills that will be invaluable when I apply for a job after I complete my degree at university.

I am currently in my third year studying Welsh and History at Aberystwyth University. My hope for the future is to work within the Welsh sector promoting the language, and I would also like to move to Cardiff to experience the buzz of the city.

I felt that receiving work experience with the Coleg Cymraeg would give me a taste of the sector, and give me ideas for a career.

During my time with the Coleg, I learnt a lot about the organisation including the range of Scholarships the Coleg offers to young people to support them with their studies at university. There are 9 scholarships in total in a number of diverse subjects available to students who choose to study partly through the medium of Welsh. From the perspective of a student who loves spending money, every extra penny goes a long way! There is even a financial incentive to encourage students to do a Teacher Training course, as well as a mentoring and work experience scheme, 'Dysgu’r Dyfodol' to support them to venture into education.

I also learnt about the Language Skills Certificate , and the benefits of completing it as it is a good way to test your bilingual skills and looks great on a CV. I was also introduced to the Coleg’s Resource Portal, which is perfect for students studying through the medium of Welsh, as it is full of online learning and revision resources. I will definitely use '' when completing my dissertation at University!

One of the main things the Coleg is currently working towards is to ensure that Welsh-medium education at university or College is inclusive for all in Wales. I was privileged to have a session with Emily Pemberton, the Coleg’s Equality, Diversity and Anti-Racism Co-ordinator, and here I learned about her important work in influencing and ensuring that all individuals from underrepresented communities have a voice.

As informative as my work experience was, my main highlight was the opportunity to collaborate with different individuals, and give my input (from a student's perspective) to different projects as I am a member of their target audience.

I'm very grateful to the team in the Carmarthen office for being so welcoming and for keeping me busy over the last three days! I have had many different experiences and interesting meetings with staff from the Coleg Cymraeg offices across Wales. I have had a taste of working in a professional organisation and the opportunity to develop valuable skills that will benefit me in a future job. I leave my work experience with a valuable understanding of the work of the Coleg Cymraeg, and have had the privilege of meeting a number of new individuals. I really enjoyed my time with the Coleg, and I hope to be able to keep in touch and come back in the future!